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★ Length Converter: Convert length between almost all of the most popular length units over the world, including: mm, cm, m, km, inch, ft, yard, mile, nautical mile, ... Fastest and easiest converter provided.

★ Weight Converter: Convert weight between various weight units including: mg, g, kg, tonne, ton (UK), grains, ounce, pound, carat. Fastest and most convenient weight converter.

★ Area Converter: Convert area between a various number of different area units including: m2, ha, km2, ft2, yd2, acre, .... Very fast and easy Area converter.

★ Volume Converter: Convert volume between a various number of different volume units including: ml, dl, l, cc, cm3, m3, in3, ft3, yd3, gallon (UK), gallon (US), oir barrel.

★ Temperature Converter: Convert temperature units between: Celsius, Fahrenheit, K, Rankine. Helpful in Physics subject of high school students.

★ Time Converter: Convert between second, minute, hour, day, week and year in the fastest and easiest way.

★ Speed Converter: Convert speed units easily between a different number of speed units including: m/s, ft/s, km/s, km/h, mile/h, knot, mach. Useful in speed calculation.

★ Data Converter: Convert data unit in computer between many data types like: bit, Byte, KiloByte, MegaByte, GigaByte, TeraByte. Fast and convenient.

★ FlashLight: A very interesting and amazingly helpful application that turns your device into a torch which can help you enlighten any dark area.

★ Battery Infor: Another amazingly small app that provides essential information about your battery life and its statistics
to help you protect and extend your battery life.

★ Smart Mirror: A stunningly smart mirror that you can use wherever and whenever you want when making up yourself. App is provided with brightness control and zoom control (upcoming). You don't need to worry about your unclear physical mirror anymore with this companion app.

★ Smart Magnifier: A magnifier attached in your phone so that you can use it conveniently as a real magnifier.

★ Vibrator: A tool that simply vibrates for an unlimited time. You can use it for multiple purposes.

★ Root Checker: A tool that helps you checking your device whether it's rooted or not. Simple and fastest root checking application

★ Device Infor: A smart device infor provider which provides your device OS infor (Device name, OS verions, build version, manufacturer, binary type, CPU type...) and storage information of your device (RAM, SdCard, Internal memory, etc.)

And many many other helpful tools are in our development plan and being released soon freely.

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