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Opera Turbo - Why wait?

Available on: Opera for computers
  • Great speed, wherever you go

    You cannot always get fast web access. Perhaps you have to connect with Wi-Fi in a busy cafe or use a laptop connected to a mobile phone.
    In these situations, surfing the web can be frustratingly slow. That is why the Opera browser includes the unique Opera Turbo mode that can load webpages up to five times faster than other browsers.

  • No privacy worries

    Even while using Opera Turbo, secured connections do not go through Opera's servers. This means that when you are using your bank or transmitting sensitive data, you are talking directly with the website.
  • How we squeeze out all that speed

    When Opera Turbo is enabled, webpages are compressed via Opera's servers so that they use much less data than the originals. This means that there is less to download, so you can see your webpages more quickly.
    Enabling Opera Turbo is as simple as clicking the Opera Turbo icon at the bottom-left of the Opera browser window. When you are on a fast connection again and Opera Turbo is not needed, the Opera browser will automatically disable it.

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